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Ottobre 2020

Lazio cuisine

Lazio Cusine story The Lazio cuisine is a home-style cuisine, where traditional dishes are made up of poor foods but cooked, they are very tasty. The most internationally known dishes of this gastronomy are certainly Spaghetti Carbonara and Bucatini Amatriciana, two dishes that have traveled the world and uniquely recall one of the most beautiful cities of the entire peninsula:…

Umbrian cuisine

Umbrian cuisine, whose roots lie in the Umbrian and Roman civilization, is founded on a long tradition, with dishes that are not always poor or popular, but with frequent use of legumes and cereals. Little influenced by the neighboring regions, it is essentially based on meat and products of the earth, which are used both on special occasions and in…

How to cook the best Spaghetti Bolognese

  Spaghetti Bolognese is a true gastronomic case, which for years has stimulated a heated debate. Abroad this dish is appreciated and very popular, while in the city of the two towers (Bologna, where Bolognese sauce was born 350 years ago) it is generally considered a culinary blasphemy, in defense of the Tagliatella pasta to be combined with the traditional…