There is true love in preparing pasta

There is true love in preparing pasta

In Italy the love for Pasta is a family feeling. A feeling that is inherited and handed down from generation to generation. In almost every family there is a very good grandmother who can make pasta at home.

I have discovered over the years that a good plate of homemade pasta can open our hearts, evoke affections and memories.

Italy is full of recipes, stories and secrets about pasta, which have made it one of the most eaten dishes in the world.

Fresh pasta is so precious because you make it for / with the people you love. Each recipe contains an ancient skill that reminds the gnarled hands of the grandmother who knead, roll out the dough to make it very thin.

When I was a child, I spent summers at my grandmother’s house, making fresh pasta with meat sauce, and even today I remember the exceptional flavor it had.

Making fresh pasta is an accurate ritual that requires many steps. Making pasta in fact is not a child’s play, just think of Tortelloni, or Tagliatelle, there are many factors that affect the good result of the pasta including: the season, the weather, the quality of the flour, everything affects the work to have the best pasta.

And this, the grandmothers know it well without having read a single cookbook or have modern machinery to knead,

the only things on which they are based are their knowledge handed down by grandmothers or great-grandmothers, their hands and an old wooden rolling pin.

a good plate of homemade pasta can open our hearts,

In Veneto where I was born and raised, the Lasagna are called “Pasticcio” and the Tagliatelle are called “Lasagne” but I can not tell you why.

My grandmother Lina made the “Pasticcio” with many layers and full of Bolognese Ragù and had a little secret the bechamel had to be thick.

Speaking of grandmothers in the kitchen, the Chef Massimo Bottura, owner of the famous restaurant “Osteria Francescana” of Modena,

was going to steal the Tortellini just made by his grandmother to eat them raw under the table, the taste of those Tortellini is according to him origins of his passion for cooking.

if you liked the article, and you want to learn how to make fresh handmade pasta with the traditional Bolognese Meat Sauce, booking one of my classes.
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one-day class

or the new Online Cooking Classes to live a cooking experience directly at your home

See you soon with a new article.

Chef Luigi